W&J Welcomes New Students with Matriculation Ceremony

Created: August 20, 2018  |  Last Updated: August 20, 2018  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

WASHINGTON, PA (Aug. 18, 2018) ¾ Washington & Jefferson College (W&J) welcomed 375 new students – including incoming freshmen, transfer, and international students – to the College Aug. 18 during the annual Matriculation Ceremony. Incoming freshmen are the Class of 2022.

“You may feel some anxiety at this moment of change, but I assure you that a successful and fulfilling experience is well within your reach,” said W&J College President Dr. John C. Knapp as he welcomed the new students. “You were admitted to W&J because we recognized your extraordinary talent and ability.”

Dr. Knapp noted that the freshman class comes from 252 secondary schools in 25 states, and from 15 countries outside of the United States. This is the most diverse incoming class to date, he said, and has the highest average GPA of recent incoming classes. The new Presidents come to W&J as Eagle Scouts, entrepreneurs, musicians, volunteers, class presidents, and team captains, among numerous other accomplishments.

Matriculation and Commencement – the ceremonies that bookend W&J’s academic year – both signify endless possibilities for students, Dr. Knapp said. Associate Professor of Economics Lori Galley, Ph.D. and student Carmen Carroll ’19 echoed that sentiment in their addresses to the students.

 “W&J will prepare you for any trial or adventure,” said Carroll, W&J’s Student Government Association president. “The people beside you and leaders that guide you are here to make sure this year can go as smoothly as possible. Take risks make and yourself uncomfortable in good way, like growing pains. Use W&J as your creative freedom to dream your own world.”

“You have chosen to come to W&J because you are not just thinking about the next four years, but about the rest of your life,” said Galley, herself a 1988 W&J alumna. “W&J will open doors into medical school, law school, graduate school and will assist you to not only get your first job, but your first promotion and beyond.”


About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & Jefferson College, located in Washington, Pa., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. For more information about W&J, visit bqyxtb.pinkdezign.com, or call 888-W-AND-JAY.